Command |
Description |
There is an ongoing Discord API rewrite. Most of the old commands are not yet re-implemented. |
- New, - Unstable / Unfinished, - Completely Broken / TODO |
Music commands |
%play/%p [<url/keywords/playlist>] |
Play a song or playlist (YouTube & Soundlib only! SoundCloud is broken.) |
%radio <ogg/mp3 radio_stream_url> |
Add radio stream to the queue |
%pause/%resume |
Pause or Resume the current song |
%vol/%volume [<20-120>] |
Show or change the music player volume |
%seek <time> |
Seek through the current song |
%song/%np |
Show the current song |
%lq/%listqueue [<page>] |
Show the current song queue |
%skip/%next/%s |
Skip the current song |
%skipto <number in queue> |
Skip to a specific song in the queue |
%srmall/%skipall |
Clears the song queue |
%loop |
Repeat the current song once |
%shuffle |
Shuffle around the current queue |
Moderation commands |
%ban <mention/user_id> |
Ban the specified user from the current server. |
%kick <mention/user_id> |
Kick the specified user from the current server. |
%prune/%purge <1-100> |
Clear the last 1-100 messages from the current channel. |
%massmove/%mm <channel_id> <receiving_channel_id> |
Move all participants of a voice channel to another voice channel |
Osu! commands |
%osu <player_name/player_id> [<mode(0-3 or std/mania/ctb/taiko)>] |
Show an osu profile card for the specified player. |
%osutop/%otop/%top [<mode>] |
Shows your osu! top plays. |
%rs/%ors/%osurecent [<mode>] |
Shows the most recently played score. |
%osulink/%oadd/%olink <user> [<server> <mode>] |
Links an osu! account to your discord. |
%osuunlink/%orem/%ounlink all/<user> [<server>] |
Unlinks a specified osu! account or all of your osu accounts from your discord. |
%osulist |
Show a list of your currently linked osu! accounts. |
%osuprim/%oprim <list_index> |
Sets your primary osu! account if you have multiple. |
%osuprimode/%opm/%oprimode <list_index> <mode> |
Sets a primary mode for an osu! account. |
%maniapp <stars> <score> <OD> <note_count> |
Calculate osu!mania performance. |
%osub <map_url> |
Shows information for a specified osu! beatmap. |
Other / Unsorted |
%info |
Shows info about me. |
%prefix [<prefix>] |
Shows or changes the current server prefix. |
%random [<min> <max>] |
Pick a random number. If no min and max are specified the range becomes 0-100 |
%videoshare/%vshare <channel_id> |
Shows an embed with a link for the old server screenshare |
%uptime |
Show how long I've been up for. |
%selfroleadd/%sradd <role> |
Add a role to the self assignable roles list in the server. |
%selfrolerem/%selfroledel/%srrem/%srdel <role> |
Remove a role from the self assignable roles list in the server. |
%selfrolelist/%srlist |
Shows a list of all self assignable roles for this server. |
%selfrole/%selfrl/%srl <role> |
Get a role from the self assignable roles list in the server. |