
Status: Online

Kotone's sister. Originally created on 12.07.2016 to balance out Kotone's AI parameters. Also capable of doing a lot of administration tasks and server-level logging.


Command List:

Command Description
Nedako's playlist will not remove songs once they finish! You have to do that manually by using the '$srm' command.
$play <url/keywords/soudcloud_url/number in queue> Add a song to the queue or play a specific song by its id in the queue
$radio <ogg/mp3 radio_stream_url> Add radio stream to the queue
$playlist <url> Add a youtube playlist to the queue
$pause Pause or Resume the current song
$volume [<20-100>] Show or change the music player volume
$np Show the current song
$lq/$listqueue [<page>] Show the current song queue
$next Skip the current song
$srm [<all/<id in queue>>] Clear the song queue or remove a song by its place in the queue
$loop Repeat the current song or the whole queue
$shuffle Shuffle around the queue
$destroy Destroy the player in case of a crash
$user_id <mention> Get the mentioned user's Discord ID
$user_info <mention/user_id> Shows information about the mentioned user
%osu <player_name/player_id> [<mode(0-3 or std/mania/ctb/taiko)>] Shows an image card for the specified osu! user
$osub <map_url> Shows information for the specified osu! beatmap (use only old urls!)
$kick <mention/user_id> Kick the specified user
$ban <mention/user_id> Ban the specified user
$softban/$sb <mention/user_id> Softban the specified user.
$unban <mention/user_id> Unban the specified user
$mute <mention/user_id> Mute the specified user
$voicemute <mention/user_id> Voice mute the specified user
$setrole <mention/user_id> <role> Add a role to the specified user
$prune <1-100> Remove the last 1-100 messages in the current channel
$createrole/$cr <role> Create a new role with the specified name
$deleterole/$dr <role> Delete the specified role
$mentionrole <role> Mention the specified role
$rolecolor/$roleclr <role> Change the color for the specified role
$rolehoist/$rh <role> Set if the specified role should hoist.
$removerole <role> Remove the specified role
$renamerole <role> <new_name> Rename the specified role
$creatvoichanl <channel_name> Create a voice channel with the specified name
$creatxtchanl <channel_name> Create a text channel with the specified name
$delvoichanl <voice_channel> Delete the specified voice channel
$deltxtchanl <channel> Delete the specified text channel
$removeallroles/$rar <mention/user_id> Remove all roles for the specified user.
$deafen <mention/user_id> Deafen the specified user
$undeafen <mention/user_id> Undeafen the specified user
$setchanlname <channel> <new_name> Rename the specified channel
$settopic <channel> <new_topic> Set a text channel's topic
$warn <mention/user_id> Warn the specified user
$warnclear <mention/user_id> Clear the warnings list for the specified user.
$log Toggle logging
$logserver Set the current channel as a server log
$logignore Ignore the current channel from the server log
$logevents <events> Set which events to log in the server log