Return Old Archive 0 UploadNOTICE (Hold down to read)
This page's purpose is to give the ability of sharing images/videos/replays online.
- If you are uploading a video please first compress it using ffmpeg to save space for other people to upload.
- Maximum size per file is 50MB, but please avoid uploading files bigger than 10MB.
- No illegal stuff or pornography allowed.
- Files uploaded here must not be protected by password or be obfuscated in any way.
- If you want a resource removed from here just ask by sending a GET request containing "##?delete <filename>, <reason>
- Image file links will show a preview if posted on Discord.
- You are forbidden from trying to spread hacking scripts or viruses using this page.
- Do not try to exploit this page(or the html sandbox) in any way, shape or form to gain access to the whole webserver.
- If any of the rules above are broken, this site will be put behind the server firewall or a password will be set up to prohibit access.
Allowed file types:
Video - mp4, webm, mkv, mov, avi
Audio - mp3, wav, flac
Image - png, jpg, jpeg, gif, ico
Osu!r - osr